The Vega module series is a family of microprocessor controlled interface devices permitting the monitoring and/or control of auxiliary devices. The Vega digital communication protocol utilised by the monitoring control panel provides for high rates of information exchange in combination with particular features that ensure fast and secure responses. A bi-colour LED indicator (red/green), one per single channel, is activated by the control panel. The modules are powered by the loop.
Technical specifications
- Loop’s voltage range *: From 18 V (min) to 40 V (max)
- Average current consumption: 120 uA (@ 24 V)
- LED’s current consumption: 6 mA (@ 24 V)
- Operating temperature range: From -30 °C (min) to +70 °C (max)
- Humidity: 95% RH (no condensation)
- Dimensions: 87 x 87 x 32 mm (w/o gang box)
- Weight: 200 grams
- Maximum wire gauge: 2.5 mm2
Deep Mounting Box For Modules
Mounting Box For Modules - 25 Mm