Détecteurs de gaz


Dust Methane Detector




SMART3G gas detectors are employed to detect flammable compounds (%LEL), toxic compounds (ppm) and Oxygen contents for both it depletion and enrichment in classified areas.

The Pellisfor sensors employed for the flammable Gas detection show an excellent output linearity up to 100% LEL.

For aggressive atmospheres, where the Pellistor sensors would be seriously damaged, Sensitron developed a range of detectors employing industrial grade Infrared sensors: IR sensors are poison free and this grants a higher accuracy and a longer lifetime to the cell.

For the toxic gas detection, Sensitron has operated a reliable selection among the most performing elecfrochemical cells to supply units representing the state of the art in toxic gas detection.

The SMART3G line has been designed to offer a wide range of alternatives that grant customers the best solution to their requirements. SMART3G-C has been specifically designed to offer high performance products for industrial applications.

SMART3G-D have been designed to meet with tougher industrial requirements and offer a 4 digits back-lit display and 5 mode status LEDs for the gas concentration reading. They feature non infrusiwe magnefic calibrafion for an accurate and easy calibration via Hall-effect switches, without opening the instrument and declassifying the area.

Specific gas detectors for tunnels and mines are available with certification for Group I M2.

Technical specifications

  • Sensing element: Pellistor sensors for flammable gas Electrochemical cells for toxic gas IR sensors for flammable and CO2
  • Measuring range: %LEL for flammable ppm for toxic % vol for O2 and CO2
  • Power supply: 12-24Vdc -20% +15%
  • Consumption at 12Vdc: 90mA (medium); 130mA (max) Pellistor 50mA (medium); 70mA (max) electr.cell 90mA (medium); 130mA (max) IR